Neurology and Psychiatry

Date: 13 – 14 November 2025
Language: English
Registration deadline single module: 1 week before module start Registration
Fee: two-day module CHF 500, single-day booking CHF 280

1 ECTS point two-day module
CME points applied for “Schweizerische Neurologische Gesellschaft”
CME points applied for “Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie”
14 CME points “Schweizerische Akademie für Psychosomatische und Psychosoziale Medizin SAPPM”

Objectives of the module


  • know similiarities and differences in the healthy brain and in the development of gender identiy
  • know sex and gender differences in healthy and disturbed sleep
  • are aware of sex and gender differences in neurological and psychiatric diseases and their consequences for the treatment
Content of the module

The module neurology and psychiatry combines the specialities of neurology, sleep research, psychiatry and developmental paediatrics. In all these areas, clear sex and gender differences can be observed.

The module comprises the following blocks:

  • Neurological diseases in both sexes (risk factors, manifestation, therapy and course)
    • stroke
    • neuroimmunological diseases
    • neurodegenerative diseases
    • epilepsy
  • Sex and gender differences in healthy and disturbed sleep
    • differences in sleep begin in puberty
    • sleep changes due to cycle, pregnancy and menopause
    • sex- and gender-specific differences in sleep disorders
    • causes and risk factors
  • Sex and gender differences in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
    • epidemiology of dementia diseases by sex and gender
    • sex-specific phenotypes – biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease
    • sex- and gender-specific phenotypes – symptoms and course of Alzheimer’s disease
    • the effect of sex and gender on risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease
  • Sex and gender differences in mental health
    • differences in prevalence of mental diseases
    • causes of sex- and gender-differences using the example of depressive and psychotic disorders
    • sex- and gender-sensitive diagnostics and therapy – psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, hormone therapy
  • Development of gender identiy, description of gender differences in the individual areas of competence and in case of disorders
    • age-appropriate steps in the development of gender identity
    • gender differences in the individual areas of development
    • the most common developmental disorders and their effects on everyday school life and the educational success of boys and girls